de Vreugdvertalingen

Welcome to my website

I am Marianne de Vreugd, a freelance translator of English - Dutch and Dutch - English and I am located in The Hague. I am available for translating a wide variety of texts, for example: articles, reports, brochures, software, websites etc. Besides translating, you can also hire me to edit English and Dutch texts. Should you require more information or would you like to hire me, please see below for my contact information.

I am passionate about language, especially the English language. That is why I chose to attend the University of Leiden to study English Language and Culture. There I took an optional translating course and I realised I found my calling. Only years later I finally had the chance to fulfil my dream to become a translator. Four years ago I started at the Hogeschool West-Nederland in The Hague to study translating and last year I graduated. So now I am a freelance translator.


Translation is not a regulated profession, so this means that anyone with a decent grasp of a language can call themselves a translator. These kinds of translators generally charge lower rates, but unfortunately this also means lower quality. I, on the other hand, am trained to be a translator and provide high-quality translations and therefore charge €0.15 cents per word for a translation.


Are you interested in my services, feel free to contact me at:
Telephone number: 06-11516054
KVK 66201810

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